
Closures and Scope in Python

When I was starting out with Python I introduced a bug into my code because I didn’t understand how scoping works in closures. This is a pretty common pitfall, so here is a post exploring the mistake and how to avoid it.

Check out this code:

import threading

def threaded_print():
    for i in range(10):
        def print_number():
            print 'the number is: {}'.format(i)


What do you think it prints?

If you think it prints:

the number is: 0
the number is: 1
the number is: 2
the number is: 3
the number is: 4
the number is: 5
the number is: 6
the number is: 7
the number is: 8
the number is: 9

You are most likely correct, but you would think so for the wrong reason. I thought it would print that because I thought that since i was a primitive type, the value of i would be bound in the print function at function definition time (for the print_number function).

This is absolutely not the case. If you are coming to Python from other languages, this is a key point. Everything in Python is an object. There are no primitive types.

To demonstrate that the assumption is wrong, consider this modification:

import threading
import time

def threaded_print():
    for i in range(10):
        def print_number():
            print 'the number is: {}'.format(i)


This outputs:

the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9
the number is: 9


This demonstrates that the first version only accidentally runs as expected. It is in fact a classic race condition. The only reason that is printed what I expected was that it was printing the current value of the shared variable i (shared between all the copies of print_number).

To fix this, you need to explicitly bind to a local variable. This is easily done by modifying the declaration of print_number. Consider this modified version:

import threading
import time

def threaded_print():
    for i in range(10):
        def print_number(i=i):
            print 'the number is: {}'.format(i)


This produces this output for me:

the number is: 4
the number is: 9
the number is: 2
the number is: 0
the number is: 5
the number is: 7
the number is: 8
the number is: 6
the number is: 1
the number is: 3

By changing print_number to accept a defaulted parameter for i, we’ve changed the scope of i in the function. i is bound to the value of the outer i at definition time for print_number. When it actually executes, it finds i in the local scope (from the parameter) and uses it rather than the i in the enclosing scope.

Let’s talk more about closures:

In python, a closure is a function which captures the enclosing scope. For example:

In [1]: def f():
   ...:     x = 10
   ...:     def g():
   ...:         print x
   ...:     return g

In [2]: g = f()

In [3]: g()

In this snippet, the variable (not the value) x is captured by g. As proof, take a look at this:

In [1]: def f():
   ...:     x = 10
   ...:     def g():
   ...:         print x
   ...:     x += 1
   ...:     return g

In [2]: g = f()

In [3]: g()

This is also known as ‘late binding’. i.e. the value of x is not looked up until g is called.

At this point, you might think you can do this:

In [4]: def f():
   ...:     x = 10
   ...:     def g():
   ...:         print x
   ...:     def h():
   ...:         x += 1
   ...:     return g, h

Unfortunately, the scoping rules will see the assignment and treat is as a local (to h) variable and you will get this error:

In [5]: g, h = f()

In [6]: g()

In [7]: h()
UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-59696a9ab36e> in <module>()
----> 1 h()

<ipython-input-4-1132edef3f6b> in h()
      4         print x
      5     def h():
----> 6         x += 1
      7     return g, h

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

(NOTE: if you are using Python 3, you can also use the nonlocal keyword to tell the interpreter to look in the enclosing scope for the variable to get around the assignment operator scoping rules.)

You can however share a captured variable and do anything but assignment:

In [1]: def f():
   ...:     x = []
   ...:     def pushx(val):
   ...:         x.append(val)
   ...:     def popx():
   ...:         return x.pop()
   ...:     def printx():
   ...:         print x
   ...:     return pushx, popx, printx

In [2]: pushx, popx, printx = f()

In [3]: printx()

In [4]: pushx('awesome')

In [5]: popx()
Out[5]: 'awesome'

In [6]: for i in "that's all folks!".split(): pushx(i)

In [7]: printx()
["that's", 'all', 'folks!']

In [8]:

Happy coding!

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